Saint Maximilian Kolbe Radio Net


S P 3 R N

- A Catholic Lay Ministry -

7241 khz Sundays at 2400Z (8 PM EDST)

14,341 khz Sundays at 2200Z (5 PM CST)

TGIF DMR Network Talk Group 3814 Sundays immediately after the 40 Meter Net





SP3RN radio shack

St. Maximilian founded the

Militia Immaculata

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St. Max was the "Man of the Day"

Saint Maximilian Kolbe Net

Net Control 40 meters: K3QNT - Lloyd

Alt Net Control 40 Meters W3QD - Kevin

Net Control 20 meters: NØVYU - Scott

Alt Net Control 20 meters: K9EYZ - Laurence

Dr. Ted Figlock - W1JMJ (SK)  and Lloyd Roach - K3QNT  founded the net in 1998 to commemorate the life and martyrdom of Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe – SP3RN.  

Father Kolbe was a Franciscan Priest who founded Niepokalanow (City of Mary), a large monastery in Poland using media for their mission of dedication to the Blessed Mother.  Fr. Kolbe and his Franciscan brothers published dozens of weekly and monthly periodicals to promote the Roman Catholic faith and devotion to the Blessed Mother in particular.  At one point in the late 1930s, circulation exceeded one million copies monthly, making Niepokalanow the largest publisher in Poland. 

Fr. Kolbe was a Ph.D. level philosopher and an insightful theologian.  In addition to his print operations, he built a religious short-wave radio station in 1938 with the call sign of SP3RN.  Unfortunately, his plans to extend his amateur radio operations to his monastery in Nagasaki, Japan were not consummated.

On 26 May 1941 Fr. Kolbe's monastery was shut down by the Nazi SS.  Fr. Kolbe was arrested and sent to Auschwitz concentration camp, where he was assigned Prisoner #16670.  In July of 1941, ten prisoners were condemned to death because of an escape attempt from the camp.  Among the condemned was Francizek Gajowniczek, a Polish Sergeant.    Kolbe stepped out of line and offered his life in place of Gajowniczek's.  The Nazi commandant accepted the exchange and sent Kolbe to a camp starvation bunker where he was deprived of food and water for nearly two weeks.  Maximilian Kolbe died on 14 August 1941, hence our operating frequency of 7241 khz.  

Maximilian Kolbe was canonized by Pope John Paul II on 10 October 1982.  He is considered the patron saint of the addicted and of amateur radio operators.  

To learn more about the Saint Maximilian Kolbe Net, contact Lloyd B. Roach, K3QNT - Net Control -120 W. Watson Street - Bedford, PA 15522 USA 1.814.623.1688


January 21, 2023 REQUIESCAT IN PACE Ted Figlock W1JMJ

Ted was co-founder of the original 40-meter net.

February 25, 2024 REQUIESCAT IN PACE Deacon George WA5KBH

Deacon George founded the 20-meter net

HERE is more information about St. Max and about the net.